Nothing is required for the rehearsal slots on Saturday 18th, except a bottle of water. Please send dancers in normal clothes *NOT COSTUMES*
To find your rehearsal slot, please click here:
Ahead of Show Weekend:
Label everything – Shoes, Show T-shirts, Black Leggings, etc. (Do NOT label costumes)
Clean shoes – Theres nothing worse than dirty shoes on stage! Please wipe ballet & tap shoes and have clean trainers.
Have a practice of hair before show weekend and purchase what you need before show weekend.
Pack your weekend bag using our list below.
ALL junior dancers are required to be dropped off at 5pm on both evenings. Please give them an early dinner before drop off!
Please scroll below and read what coloured group your dancer is in named based off their class.
To arrive at both of the shows, please wear your black show t-shirts, black leggings and trainers that your dancer will wear in the finale.
What to pack in your dancers bag for both show evenings:
- Costumes & accessories that have been provided by us.
- Your required socks/tights and any spare you are bringing.
- Hair bag including spare hairspray, bun pins, bobbles, bun net.
- Activity books/colouring in *NO PENS*
After the Saturday show, all dancers will take home costumes and everything they brought. After the Sunday show, all costumes and accessories will be left.
Groups for drop off / pick up & changing rooms:
Red group A is:
Cramond P1 Ballet/Tap
Cramond P2 Ballet/Tap
Cramond Level 1 Acro
Cramond Performers
Red Group B is:
Oriam P2 Ballet/Tap
Green group A is:
Oriam P1 Ballet/Tap
Green Group B is:
Oriam Level 1 Acro
Oriam P1-3 Dancing Divas
Oriam Performers
Yellow Group A is:
Cramond Grade 1 Ballet/Tap
Saturday Oriam Grade 1 Ballet/Tap
Cramond Level 2 Acro
Oriam Level 2 Acro
Yellow Group B is:
Friday Oriam Grade 1 Ballet/Tap
Blue Group is:
Cramond Level 3 Acro
Oriam P4-7 Dancing Divas
Cramond P4-7 Dancing Divas
If your dancer is in more than 1 group, you will be in your ballet/tap group.
If your dancer is in more than 1 group, and doesn’t do ballet/tap you will be in your acro group.
What to do after drop off? (5pm)
If you are watching the show –
Grab a bite to eat and have a drink! The theatre cafe is situated in the main entrance area. Doors for the theatre will open from 5.30pm ahead of the show beginning at 6pm. We aim to have finished both evenings at 8pm. You will pick your dancer up at the same place you dropped them off (with their coloured group.)
If you aren’t watching the show –
There is plenty nearby to keep busy whilst your dancer is on stage. Livingston centre offers a wide range of restaurants as well as bowling, cinema, mini golf, aerial course and plenty of shops! The theatre itself also has a cafe and seating area whilst you wait. We aim to have finished both evenings at 8pm. You will pick your dancer up at the same place you dropped them off (with their coloured group.)