Firstly a massive thank you for volunteering to chaperone and be a part of the backstage madness! Each year that BW Dance Works grow, and have bigger and better annual shows, we are so grateful for the parents like yourselves who offer their evenings. We really could not do it without you.
Please can I ask for all backstage chaperones to arrive 11.45am.
From 12pm, preschool dancers are dropped off to designated coloured areas (All preschoolers are in Yellow groups)
From 12pm, all P2-7 Students will have finished their stage rehearsal and will be heading back to their changing rooms.
Once dancers are all inside changing areas, no dancers should leave until 3pm (after the show!)
Read registers for info on what dancers do what dances. I have individually listed each dancer and what dance they are in. For the most part, this is class by class and fairly simple but a few students cross over into other branches/classes.
Check all dancers hair is neat & tidy – hair boxes are located on table by the doors if you need anything at all.
Get all dancers into their first costume as soon as possible, using the running order to work out order of dance order.
Line dancers up once ready. Our runners Rebecca, Alex and Sarah will come and get your group as and when they are needed to be at the side of the stage.
Lay out 2nd / 3rd costumes and be prepped for a quick change. *Some dancers only do 1 dance*
Once each dance is done, all costumes are to be collected and out into boxes by the door.
Once all dances are done, all dancers are to be in black leggings, purple Spring Fling T-Shirts then lined up ready for finale. Again, Rebecca, Alex or Sarah our runners will get you when it’s time.
To go home, dancers take EVERYTHING with them EXCEPT costumes and accessories. Dancers can go home in black leggings and purple Spring Fling T-Shirts.
Dancers are to leave and go to coloured area (same area as drop off.) Please ensure everyone in your group has located a parent at their drop off.
As this is our Matinee show, 2 separate things happen. All YELLOW Groups Leave costumes and these are to be bagged into the clear bags and leave at the door of the changing rooms.
If Dancers are in Blue and Red Groups, their costumes are to be neatly left ready for the evening show. They must leave costumes in their area.
Groups are listed below:
Group leaders are there to make decisions should there be any issues with costumes/hair. Group Leaders should be the only ones that do toilet trips with groups of dancers as they have provided either disclosure, PVG or DBS certificates.
R1: 36 R2: 22 R3: 16
Allison Scott R1* Team Leader
Kirsty Mclaughlin R1* Team Leader
Catriona Mickel R1* Team Leader
Jenna Mac R1 *Team Leader
Bea Devlin R1
Susan Findlayson R1
Sarah Johnston R1
Claire Muir R2* Team Leader
Kirsten Thomson R* Team Leader
Lindsay Howard R2
Gwen Wilkie R2 *Team Leader
Joanne Gosney R3* Team Leader
Hollie Blackwood R3* Team Leader
Kim Robertson R3
B1: 38 B2: 23 B3: 25
Jennifer Jones B1* Team Leader
Katy Glen B1* Team Leader
Laura McTeague B1* Team Leader
Oli Glen B1
Kerry Davis B1
Louise Illingworth B1
Victoria Anderson B1
Islay Graham B1
Daniela Forbes B2* Team Leader
Helen McGuire B2* Team Leader
Vickie Little B2* Team Leader
Fiona Ferguson B2+B3 – *floating* Team Leader
Lauren Marshall B3 *Team Leader
Libby McFarlane B3* Team Leader
Lynsey Dalgleish B3* Team Leader
Gillian Ramsay B3
Y1: 22 Y2: 37 Y3: 38
Lora Jamie Y1* Team Leader
Fiona Rhodes Y1 Team Leader
Jacqueline Beardsley Y1
Anna Keogh
Isla Keogh *under 18*
Linda White Y2 * Team Leader
Lorna Craig Y2* Team Leader
Myvanwy Hanna Y2
Helen Docherty Y2
Cara MacKinnon Y2
Caitlin Penny Y2
Lisa Boyd Y2
Claire Reid Y3* Team Leader
Ashley Clarke Y3*Team Leader
Molly Rigby Y3
Louise Flood Y3
Sarah Mullin Y3
Tracey Rodger Y3
Klara Davis Y3
Abby Gilmore *under 18*
Lara Toptas *under 18*
Isla Geekie *under 18*
Aimee Roulston *under 18*
Additional Jobs
Stage L: Miss Bethany
Stage R: Miss Katie
Stage Manager: Jo Tod
Stage Runners: Rebecca Scott, Sarah Prentice, Alexandra Duff
Quick Changes: Nicola Paterson (Lauren Marshall help if needed)
Ticket Scanners:
1pm show (12pm arrival):
Cody O’Neill, Matthew Cross, Kev Murray, Lauren Marshall
Ticket Scanners:
6pm: show (5pm arrival):
Tam Richardson, Joanna Cairns (before heading to Y2), Matthew Cross, Kev Murray
Extra Parent Chaperones at 10.45am-12pm rehearsals:
Sarah Johnston, Jennifer Jones, Gillian Ramsay, Louise Illingworth, Fiona Ferguson, Bea Devlin
Staff at 10.30am:
Bethany White, Rebecca Scott, Katie Hughes, Alexandra Duff