Last year backstage ran so smoothly, all thanks to our amazing volunteers of parents backstage!
We’ve had a few questions about what’s involved in parent chaperoning at our shows. Please read below to help you answer some FAQs:
Who can parent chaperone?
Any of our parents can chaperone backstage and we really appreciate the help! Parent Chaperones this year will not have to provide us with a copy of their disclosure/PVG/DBS. Only our backstage ‘Team Leaders’ will have to. All groups will have a minimum of 2 team leaders plus multiple parent chaperones.
Any of our parents can be a backstage helper.
Any of our parents who have can provide us with a copy of a disclosure, PVG or DBS check can be a team leader. Parents can also apply for a basic disclosure here if you wish to be a ‘team leader’:
Please note, you will be able to use this basic disclosure with us in future shows too.
Can I still watch my child do their performance if I am backstage?
To minimise disruption in the theatre, you will not be able to go to a seat in the theatre for your child’s dance but you will be able to go with your child’s group and watch them from the side of the stage. Best view in the house! Or you can watch one show, and help at another.
Whats involved?
Backstage is a very busy place, with multiple things to do! From fixing hair, changing dancers, prepping costumes, ensuring they are ready for their next dance and keeping them occupied/happy whilst they aren’t on stage.
How can I volunteer?
You can do so below:
Let us know if you’d like to be a chaperone or a team leader by clicking here.